
Twitter Data Analysis (Part 1) - Consumer Keys

  Consumer Keys This will be a step by step guide on how to analyse tweets from a Twitter account.  Before we start our Twitter Data Analysis, there are a few things we must do in order to allow the search to take place. One of them being getting our Consumer Keys. This blog will be about understanding what these keys are and why we use them but also a guide on how to get your own keys that you can use the analyse tweets. Consumer Keys These are keys that are issued by a service provider (Twitter, Facebook, etc) that consumers receive allowing APIs to access their service. If you're not sure what APIs are, head over to  to find more information about this. Twitter Consumer Keys: As we will be analysing tweets from Twitter, its important to understand what keys we will be needing. There are two types of keys: 1. Consumer Keys - There are two different Consumer Keys, Consumer-Key and Consumer-Secret . Thes...

Twitter Data Analysis (Part 3) - Sentiment Analysis

  Sentiment Analysis In this blog, we will be learning what Sentiment Analysis is and why we use it but also carry out sentiment analysis on our tweets. What is Sentiment Analysis? This is a process where text is analyzed to determine the attitude or emotion of a text. This text can range from a single word to a huger document. Sentiment analysis is often used within businesses. For instance, analysis can be done on reviews of a product or service. Businesses can analyze their consumer's reviews using various techniques and determine their true emotions and benefit from this. If a company has a huger amount of comment/reviews, a word cloud could be used to only show the most common words used in a matter of minutes (even seconds depending on the amount). This, however, would have taken hours or even days if humans were to analyze this manually. In our Twitter Analysis, we will be using the sentiment function which outputs two properties, Subjectivity, and Polarity. Subjectivity tel...

Twitter Data Analysis (Part 2) - Google Colab

Colaboratory Without any written code, our Twitter analysis is not possible. I have chosen to write the code using Google Colab (Python 3) as I am fairly familiar with it but as its also hassle-free for you as there's no need to download or set up any software.  In this post, we will be discussing what Colab is and also start our coding! What is Google Colab? Colaboratory (Colab for short) is a hosted Jupypter Notebook environment provided by Google Research (thus the name Google Colab). As it is produced by Google, your notebooks are automatically saved to your Google Drive. This allows you to write, execute, and save your code all through your browser using your google accounts, all absolutely free!. In addition to this, sharing your work is as simple as sharing a normal document through Google Docs, by clicking on the Share button at the top right of the page. Where do I start? Start by going  to